People of Color Directory
This is obvious but just for good measure, this is the best place to start. So use the "sign-up" to get started creating a profile.
Complete the sign-up questions and choose an organization category. It's important to choose the appropriate category because it determines which profile questions you complete on the profile page.
Be sure save your profile information after completing the profile questions. After you save your profile information, your organization profile will be created. All profiles will go through validation by Bullard Center staff before being featured on the directory browsing page.
The People of Color Directory and Resource Guide is an online digital marketplace created by the Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice at Texas Southern to provide a space where environmental organizations and leaders can learn about each other, be discovered and network. The directory will bring together organizations across North America (United States, Caribbean, Mexico, and Canada) to galvanize the environmental and climate justice movement.
The directory should be used as a tool for information and to be used for organizations to be able to create a profile and users who come to the directory can discover these organizations profiles and in doing so use it for the exploration of environmental groups.
Our mission and vision for the directory is to have environmental groups come together on our platform and learn about each others organizations. We believe It's extremely important during this time that environmental groups do everything that they can to emphasize and empower each other and make action.
We encourage all environmental organizations all over the world to sign up to the People Of Color Directory and learn about other organizations and their attributes and benefits to their communities.